Friday, August 15, 2008

Where's my Orange Wig, Red Nose, and BIG Shoes?

Summer session is finally over! Thank heavens because it has really been putting a damper on my blogging and social life. It's been over a week since I've written on my blog. How freaking lame, I know.
 I got my grades back and found that you CAN actually get a lower grade on a paper if your paper is too advanced for even the professor. My professor asked me at one point to dumb my research paper down. What the hell does that even mean? Everyone knows you are suppose to use the most credible and scholarly sources you can to give your paper value and credibility. Have you ever had a teacher or professor tell you, "The texts you are using are too advanced for your audience." Is it me or did he just say my paper was too advanced for him? Is it NOT a research paper for his class? He IS my audience. Is our educational system so inadequate that students are actually getting docked points and letter grades for challenging the teacher or professor to learn and comprehend along with their students. When it comes to grading, a teachers opinion becomes fact. Why is this? Because some other authority gave them this position as an authority and that gave their opinion credibility and value. Is it my fault as a student that a teacher rather be entertained in a paper than informed and challenged? Have I paid and attended school to learn how to entertain or to learn how to challenge myself and critical think? Once again I am more valuable as a clown than a free thinker. I am disgruntled. The educational system is flawed. I'm over it. It's dead to me.


Kat said...

Glad to see you back, bloggin', and pissed at the world! You know how I like it. Whoot whoot!

Danielle said...

...and think critically.

just to criticize the genious...

Jen said...

on the up and up.... we went from Effin F's to Bitchin B's. It's not all so bad?

Alicia said...

I'm glad you're back too-- but sad about the educational system. What to do? What to do?

Erin said...

where the heck are you going to school?!